O'Fallon Crossing Chiropractic Blog

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO

Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic’s with Our Chiropractor in O’Fallon MO As parents, we try to set the stage for the health and welfare of our children. We want them to be happy and to get the most out of life. When they are in pain, we are in pain. You can help them achieve wellness…

Why Chiropractic Care is Safe During Pregnancy in O’Fallon MO

Why Chiropractic Care is Safe During Pregnancy in O’Fallon MO

Why Chiropractic Care is Safe During Pregnancy in O’Fallon MO At O’Fallon Crossing Chiropractic, we take pride in offering chiropractic services to the entire family. From gentle pediatric chiropractic care to helping seniors stay active and work through the aches and pains of aging, we help family members of all ages. One area of our…

Benefits of Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO

Benefits of Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO

Benefits of Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO Enjoy Neck Pain and Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic Care in O’Fallon MO. Without prescribing medications or recommending surgery, our chiropractor in O’Fallon MO offers joint, muscle, and systemic pain relief using a variety of effective chiropractic techniques. Automobile injuries, work-related accidents, and overuse are the primary causes…

The Importance of Sleep in O’Fallon MO

The Importance of Sleep in O’Fallon MO

The Importance of Sleep in O’Fallon MO The first week of March is sleep awareness week so I wanted to share some information about sleep with you.  Sleep in O’Fallon MO is an extremely important part of a healthy lifestyle.  Most people need 7-8 hours of sleep each night.  Sleep is so important because while…

Text Neck in O’Fallon MO

Text Neck in O’Fallon MO

Text Neck in O’Fallon MO Play Video We have become a society completely reliant on our electronic devices.  The average person spends 8 hours and 41 minutes per day on media devices.  91% of teens access the internet on cell phones or tablets. When we are staring at our computers, phones, and tablets, we typically…

Heat or Ice in O’Fallon MO?

Heat or Ice in O’Fallon MO?

Heat or Ice in O’Fallon MO? How should you use cold and heat in O’Fallon MO for injuries? Quite often, I hear the question, “Should I use ice or heat”?  This is a very important question.  The answer can mean the difference between quick healing and prolonging and injury.  So, my answer the majority of…